View From My Window (Early Spring)

Imperfect view through a screened window. Find the cardinal 🐦

Looking out this window has saved my sanity and my life. It sounds silly but I instantly feel calm when I look out and see all the plants in their different stages of growth and all the birds and other animals going about their lives.

There are daily visits from squirrels, who eat the sunflower seeds in the bird seed mix on the ground; and house sparrows that tweet furiously and flit about often landing on thin stems, sinking them down as they perch; and elegant cardinals that perch on the pussy willow tree or the birdbath and are usually too shy to try the bird feeder when the sparrows are there, and even a stray cat that struts through the rough path from time to time.

In the spring and summer, the butterflies arrive and the bees are out in full force along with other garden critters, some of which terrify me but are so important in the web of life. At night, raccoons, opossums, and God knows what else!

I’ve cried in this window, I’ve pulled myself together in this window and I have stood there amazed by the colorful beauty of nature on the other side of the glass more times than I can count. I am so glad to have discovered gardening and to have been blessed enough to, through the years, create a little piece of wild habitat for all the creatures that surround me.

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