Coming Out of the Woodwork- Updates

Coming Out of the Woodwork- Updates

I’m back! But just barely.

This has been a depressing, frustrating, terrifying year for everyone and I think we are all traumatized on some level by this pandemic and all the changes we have experienced. I wrote my last blog post here in September 2020, just a few weeks after my daughter started school remotely (online). I did not anticipate how difficult remote school would be for all of us and I realized pretty quickly that I would have to drop everything to help my daughter make it through the school year. That was really devastating for me because I had lots of plans and ideas for 2020. As a stay at home mom, I was really, really looking forward to having that extra time for myself and my projects once my daughter started school. Instead, by March 2020, the schools were all closed and once they reopened, I breathed a big sigh of relief when I learned there was a remote option available. I didn’t know how soul-sucking and time consuming it would be even though I know that it is the right option for us.

To make matters worse, my gallbladder turned on me last year. I went through a lot of physical misery and ended up having gallbladder removal surgery last month. I was really afraid of the surgery and really afraid of catching covid19 in the hospital, but luckily everything went smoothly and I am here to tell the tale.

I wanted to share some of the lowlights of my 2020 just to let you know that everyone is struggling and it’s normal to feel frustrated and disappointed right now. I haven’t seen any any gardening bloggers or influencers talk about how hard things have been for them personally this year. If you go by Instagram, you will think that you’re the only person having difficulties coping. You’re not! I’ve spent most of the last four months feeling sad, overwhelmed, hopeless and stuck, but lately I feel a little bit more hopeful about the future. I feel much better now without the constant stomach issues and now that there’s a covid vaccine on the horizon, it seems there will be some semblance of normalcy soon. At least, I hope there will be.

I have been thinking a lot more about my gardens and everything I want to do this year to improve them. I will be tackling two big projects, which I will post more about in the coming weeks and of course I will post photos and videos of all the beautiful creatures who visit my gardens during the warmer months. I will also be posting about my experience so far taking an online Landscape Design course (I’m about 60% through).

Much love and appreciation to everyone who follows and supports this blog. Here’s to making this new year better than the last!


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